The site is dedicated, to the memory of Christos Athanassoulas, who has been a pioneer and leader in the graphic art, field and has left a rich legacy with his kindness, moral and intelligence..
The oldest company in the field of graphic art.
It was founded in 1857 in the “Lost home Country” Smyrna from Christodoulos (Christakis) Athanassoulas who built the biggest factory conserving printing paper and cigarette paper processing in the East , KEAT HANE in a 40000m2 establishment employing almost 1000 employees.
KEAT HANE: This word comes from the Arabic word keat=paper and the Persian hane=house
Exclusive products, like the famous cigarette paper labeled with a steam-machine of the railway line AFION KARA HISSAR, were massively thrown in the markets of the Tourkish Empire of Egypt, India and Japan making the ATHANASSOULAS name, number one among the Turkish people.
With reverence the illiterate “Yörük” (were asking “ATANASSOULANIN CIGARETTE KEATI” (the Athanassoulas cigarette paper).
Other products like notebooks, cigarette paper, paper bags, carnival items, bookstore products, toys etc were sold through its franchise shops in Thessaloniki, Trieste, Vienna and other European cities.
The history of A. Onassis about how he first made money from Athanassoulas paper factory is characteristic. (bibliography “Smyrna of Smyrna citizens by G. Katramopoulos)
In 1921 in Smyrna, a part of the highly modern Athanassoulas factory was entirely burnt. There, were kept pencils and even though nobody was paying attention to the burnt leftovers of the pencils, Aristos found a way to buy in a very low price these leftovers and then set a table in front of the burnt factory with a saleswoman and sharpening the burnt ends of the pencils up and down he sold new pencils with two ends. That’s how he created the first chapter of KEAT HANE Athanassoulas.

1922 Unfortunately the flames of August destroyed the KEAT HANE erasing one of the most beautiful pages of this Smyrna Industry and commerce.
The Athanassoulas family comes along with all the deracination of the Greek population. Christakis with his 6 sons arrive in Athens. Poor but gifted with his business intelligence a characteristic of Greeks coming from Asia Minor, slowly but steadily, he creates the following years with partners, 3 of his sons, Orestis, Dimitris and Vyronas, the new company Chr. Athanassoulas Bros in his own property in Pyreos street in Guazi, covering all the width of graphic arts.
Being responsible and punctual but mostly honest they manage with highly equipped infrastructure and 150 employees to become again the biggest company in the field of Graphic Arts.
After the death of Christakis and his sons, the grandson of the KEAT HANE founder, Christodoulos becomes in charge continuing the tradition of the Athanassoulas family and creates the company of Graphic Arts CHR. ATHANASSOULAS OE and ATHANASSOULAS ABEE Graphic Arts later until today.
The company is run by Ch. Athanassoulas (1932-2015) and today by his children Alinda and Vyronas (4th generation) with studies abroad on this field and gifted with all their ancestors qualities.

Front page of a 1895 notebook
It has modern painting machines for book bindings and box making processing paper and carton.
Φιλοσοφία της είναι : the satisfaction of the costumer providing high quality services and also developing strong and long terms relationships of cooperation.
Τα χαρακτηριστικά της : professionalism – quality and honesty (principles deriving from its ancestors) have made this company into one of the most important ones in its field.

Τel: +(30) 210 9911822
Fax: +(30)210 9924490
off-pack @otenet.gr

Tel: +(30) 210 9911866